Before: Enamel wear due to chronic bruxism (clenching and grinding). Coffee and tabacco staining. Abnormal dental anatomy.
After: Zoom and tray bleaching. 10 anterior veneers and periodontal treatment. Night guard for daily use. Improved esthetics and contour. "Hollywood White Smile".
Patient Photos Depicting:
Note: Patients depicted in photos have provided their consent to display their pictures online. Results may vary.
Before: Moderate to heavy decalcification. Discoloration. Fractured teeth. Spacing and rotations.
After: Improved color and texture of teeth. Closed spaces. Improved tooth shape and restored fractured edges. Improved gum health.
Patient Photos Depicting:
Note: Patients depicted in photos have provided their consent to display their pictures online. Results may vary.
Before: Patient had a peg lateral (mishaped micro-sized tooth) which significantly affected her smile. She had braces to straighten and position her teeth in ideal position. This patient wanted white, straight and perfect teeth. Due to this patient being a close-up model, "perfection" was a must.
After: Bleaching, 1 crown and 3 porcelain (ceramic) veneers were placed. Gums were contoured during crown treatment to improve her gummy smile". A lighter, softer and extremely beautiful smile was created. What a smile!
Patient Photos Depicting:
Note: Patients depicted in photos have provided their consent to display their pictures online. Results may vary.